Hinata Umi's Work

Love Perfect


Do you know what love is?

Let me tell you..

Love is ...

I don't know.

If love is all about finding someone good, then everyone has their good in their way.

If love is all about finding someone with x and y characteristic, then you can find that in everywhere

If love is all about finding someone perfect, then there's no fair in this world.

If love is all about finding someone who can turn you in to a better person, then ustadz, pastor and your teacher will do

If love is all about finding someone who can turn your weakness in to strength, then your friends and family will do

so then, what love is?


let me tell you...

Love is about taking every single things, bad or good, then turn that into something perfect for each other.

not just for you or for him, or for her.

it's for 'us'


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